
Thursday, July 26, 2007

W11 D5- While In Rome...

A life form holds about it a personal space. This space is a facilitator and as such gives mind necessary inputs and something more. It facilitates every life form to handle energy or rather synergy to be specific. Where you and I are negotiating with others synergy is for the taking.
Where brawn or brute force make anyone resist to part with his energy level sell him an idea he will simply beg you his all for its sake. Pharaohs of old did it. Even now we see it happen.
A man advanced in years may hesitate from embarking on enterprises that require great energy outflow. If he has the assurance of working with energy levels of so many it is quite a different matter. It holds the secret of Pharoahs of Old Egypt who went ahead with building pyramids. All they needed to sell to the people was their divinity. An idea. On that hung yet another: how their godly comforts hereafter were ensured meant prosperity for the nation. Once it was accepted building pyramids became a sacred duty of each subject. Now patriotism is touted as though a sacred duty. Thus when a government wants to wage a war that is unpopular how does it sell it to the nation? It calls on your patriotic duty. In the flurry of intense hardsell: be it debating on the floor by lawmakers or catering to visceral level,(- drumbeating and flag waving that are orchestrated before every war) makes suckers out of us. While we send our sons and daughters for overseas what we don’t realize is that those who ask for our sacrifice see to that their own are spared under specious excuse or other.
Tailpiece: The Bill of Rights is a fine document that only an angel could have penned; unfortunately it is the devil who often gets to put it into practice.
While in Rome do as the Romans do, so goes the old saw. Yes the moment we step into the Eternal City our mind transcribes like a shorthand of everything that we need to know. An awareness of the life around us and we can feel its peculiar energy envelopes us. In course of time we are able to work with it and adapt and even make use the thermals for climbing higher in the social ladder.
In touching with personal spaces of so many you are nourished and in the way you exercise your own level of energy you grow with time. Those who live and work in Rome or in Milan must work with the group wave of so many others. This is not the case for one who is in Puglia or in Bari.
Tailpiece: our personal space typifies the quintessence of cosmos. Or Cosmos is represented to us by the inviolate space that defines about us.


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