
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

W11 D4- A Slice of Cosmos

The birds and animals have survival imperative for which consciousness play an important role. In order to exploit past experience memory is what we rely on. If we do rely on memory to access to the experience of our past a swallow will no less. It can, in order to navigate during its winter migrations, create a mental map, so accurate than we, with our brain being much larger and more sophisticated are able to.
How swallows create a mental map tells all that a swallow need to know. Similarly we interface with the Mind( Cosmic Mind). Cosmos, as I mentioned in previous post is foreshortened to our finite range. A personal space. This personal space one carries about, as one’s birthright is a slice of Cosmos.
Energy fills in what is every void bringing laws of Nature along; in such a close-knit embrace every life in the finite has its rhythm orchestrating with that of Cosmos. Be there a solar flare, sure some develop migraine even before it could have reached the sufferers in real time. All transactions between life forms are transformed into the Mind of Oneness, on a pivot of energy. Even where the parties have contrary views.


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