
Thursday, July 19, 2007

W10 D5- A Matter of Form

Within the rimless universe a form may be anything from a pollen to gigantic stars against which our sun is but a trifle. A snowflake has a form while water ( without which it cannot have its being) is formless in that it assumes the form it is contained. It must in itself suggest a matter of form is incidental. Dogs have a form that distinguishes them as species from cats and so on.
Snowflakes could be formed by molecules of water vapor at the freezing temperature from a series of incidents: molecules now spin in a stately rhythm with free- wheeling dust, then scudding topsy-turvy upon other molecules and in the ensuing scramble give each particle of dust a shape. The fact that no two identical shapes are produced in the above process would indicate a certain design out of what must seem chaos. Dance of the molecules has its clear design though tempo may vary. If the crystal is like a composition of ferns it will have six- out pointing leaves; if like a star- fish, it will have six ribs. Out of Oneness what any material form assumes ( no matter whether one considers the form of man or a fish or a fern) has its own specific features. In other words series of incidents which take place in relation to Oneness give matter a form,-made to design as it were.
Tailpiece: A moralist might say Nature needs dust or grit in order to work out her marvelous creations. A speck of dust may be an impurity when it gets in the eye. A speck of dust or earth is a medium and made up of matter. It doesn’t mean evil as a necessary condition.


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