
Monday, July 16, 2007

W10 D2- The Emmaus Experience

‘God is a spirit’, so said Jesus( St.Jn. 4:24). Can we worship him outside the body? If we all were pure spiritual beings this question would not have arisen. Unfortunately we are corporeal beings first hence the demands of our flesh have their prior claims obviously.
The last chapter of St. Luke gives an interesting incident. On the road to Emmaus a village in the neighborhood of Jerusalem, two persons were busy analyzing the recent events around the death of Jesus and they were joined by the risen Christ ; and they didn’t recognize him. Upon pressing the stranger partook their hospitality. Only when he broke bread during supper they knew who was in their midst.
Breaking of bread by no means can be termed spiritual. Neither expounding on Law and Moses can be considered spiritual. Had it been the case Cleopas and his companion would have known who was the third presence sooner. No their eyes were ‘holden that they should not know him.’ (Lu. 24:16) By a single physical act of receiving the bread we see that the two transcended their physical nature into another dimension.
In our daily lives are we to be condemened as reprobate or worthless because we are not drawn beyond the narrow confines of our body and creature comforts? The mass of men lead quite desperate lives,- while the Church keep plugging in their merchandise hardly engaging the needs of their flock. (LA Archdiocese has to pay some 660 million dollars in sex abuse case according to recent news item. )
Once again let me quote St. John (1 Jn.4:1-6) Being of middle state we may not have time to try every one with whom we have to negotiate here on earth if he or she be prompted by good spirit or bad spirit. In our fallible and weak state we have a sure prescription:‘ We ought to love one another.(vs. 11). The love of God, which the saint here talks about is universal and extends to to all.
Spirit of the Times:
Late Jerry Falwell who is associated with the Moral Majority could get millions of conservative voters registered, aiding in Reagan's victory and giving Republicans control of the Senate. ("I shudder to think where the country would be right now if the religious right had not evolved," he said when he stepped down as Moral Majority president in 1987.)
Since this fellow is defunct I shall not say further than this: had he studied the scriptures well instead of toadying to those who were in power and had prayed in humility God might have worked on his weak intellect. Well, he had no use for such guidance other than what his heart lusted after( Num.11:5). As a result we hear him castigate the US nation a few days after Sept. 11, 2001, essentially blaming feminists, gays and liberals for bringing on the terrorist attacks. He well knew how to cut his speech to please the ignoramuses but not edify the weak and the hungry.


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