
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

W9 D3- A Miracle Explained

Can an ass speak even under extreme provocation? Balaam’s ass must have been extraordinarily versatile to speak. How can that be rationally explained? It is quite difficult but I shall try. Just as I go ape I can be mulish at times. This being the case I shall try to be as charitable as I can to Mr. Ass.
What do we first of all mean by speech? We have languages, which wouldn’t have arisen if not for meeting our particular needs. Man as a social animal. If we assume speech in its general term, representing a mode of communication, the verbal mode is one. Cannot there be non-verbal means as effective as our speech?
Trees speak to us in the way it can take in carbon dioxide exhaled by us. Our dialogue with it is made complete when it returns oxygen to us. Dogs cannot tell us they are in pain or under stress but from the levels of dopomine in its blood we can precisely measure what they experience. In the earlier days before science could come to our help what we would have said? Dogs are dumb animals. Wouldn’t that be a commentary of our inadequacy than the truth?
Miracles are to be understood as such. Similary our inability to crack open the hard sayings of Jesus now would only mean we are not yet there. Not quite. So we should do well in not making a travesty of the intent and purpose of His Word by holding on to some parts of the Book as applicable and overlooking the rest.
The Bible is better translated as the Covenant. A covenant is drawn up between two parties. Between God and us. We are lawbreakers if we arbitrarily break them as we please. No wonder. Jesus explains no one is perfect as God is. ‘ Be thou as perfect as…”
The Church which burnt heretics at the stake in the past were as wide off the mark as atheists who reject God merely because their intellect
cannot digest some passages from it.


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