
Thursday, June 28, 2007

W8 D4- War's Monster Child

Angel of Destruction presided over the angels who took sides. Kings of the North had Angel with Illustrious Name (AINA) while the Kings of the South had Angels with Everlasting Glory(ANVER). Down below the kings were out to destroy each other with all their might. Each angel asked favor from AOD on behalf of his client while the rest of the angels were weighing pros and cons. Each had something to say except Angel Bang-up.
After the battle was fought, power over the nations changed hands just as it happened after the WWI. One war engendered several others, each time one new nation came to the fore and it so happened that the whole world had learned the art of war thoroughly.
Angel Bang-up went to the Angel of Destruction and asked for a favor. He said,” Things are not the same after these kings, presidents, generalissimos, warlords and accountants have taken control over the nations. I ask favor that a few stars may be allowed to die?”
“Why stars?” AOD was skeptical.
Angel Bang-up replied,” Stars in their death convulsions send out all their energy pell-mell. Let some beggars mop them up so we shall see war being fought in a new way. It must teach those beggars who gave themselves airs as Absolute Monarchs, Il Duce, Feuhrer, Presidents and Generals what they have set in motion.”
Yes, several stars quietly died in our universe and do we not see war now being waged totally in a new manner? Stateless ragtag bands of assassins, who use a strange mixture of ideology and religion like iron and clay.
Iron and clay? You may ask. Yes, in answer I urge you to read that vision of the Babylonian king in the book of Daniel (Ch.2). The image had feet of clay mixed with iron. Is it not? To those who are interested may I suggest Babylon of old pertains to the Middle East and Iraq in particular?


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