
Friday, June 22, 2007

W7 D6- Our Incompleteness

We are homo sapiens or the wise ones. One mark of our wisdom is to make the most of our finite nature. Time-motion study allows us to avoid unnecessary clutter and we try to save on effort and bother. Another feature of our ability to save time is in the way we focus. Our mind lets us focus on what pertains to us, like we can in a party carry on a conversation with another with all that noise of dinner guests in the background. You may recall the story The House Of Joy. (W2 D6) No two persons see things exactly line for line or comma for comma. Blame it on our finite nature: We all are sojourners of the earth holding a relative position and how we scan absolute position isn’t the same.
(W6 D5-ii)
There was a scholar in Bassorah in the times of Haroun al- Rashid. He was a Hafiz having learnt Koran by heart, an honor which he let all and sundry know. One morning while passing through Potter’s gate he came upon a couple of scholars who were discussing from the Juzw. Being welcomed to join them he went headlong into their debate giving his own interpretations to the words of the Prophet. An ass who passed by pulling a cart of earthenware pots heard the nonsense which the Hafiz palmed off for scholarship. The beast laughed so hard. The cart puller used his stick which was to no avail. The ass went helter-skelter in fits of laughter causing of course lot of damage. The cart puller was beaten by those traders and he went home angry to find his woman in cheerful mood. It made him all the more irritated. He berated her for every fault under the sun. She took her anger out on her son who in turn found the ass who stood there munching some straw. The boy didn’t like the looks of the beast so he let him have a few blows with a stick. He ran thereafter to pick a quarrel with his mates.
As soon as the boy had left, the ass turned to his mate who also had carted the pots the same morning, and said, “ How can you stand there and watch that brat rain blows on my back?” The ass was fuming still. He added, “ I am beaten for no fault of mine?”
In a chain of events each life form will telescope into certain sequences and from differing standpoint, which however does not make the sequence lose its connection.


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