
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 11- Context is to Know

Mind of Man ©

While visiting caves at the XI mountain ranges Confucius was shown some rock paintings. They were extraordinary in style as well as technique in that those unknown painters went such lengths to hide their art from all. His guide said:" These caves were discovered by chance by some adventurous youths who wanted to make themselves a name by doing something extraordinary. While climbing the mountains they had stumbled upon the cave. Since then it has never failed to draw people from far and wide."
As the sage was about to leave the guide asked: "Why on earth would they wish to hide their art in such a manner?" Confucius answered: "I think whoever did it knew that they would be discovered in time. The master who conceals his thoughts in some symbols seeks another mind as subtle as his to find him out."
*The mind of man expresses itself in order to be understood. His art and language are symbols that anyone who has a mind for it would understand him.
What is Cosmic Mind? For my purpose on hand I may explain it thus: Particular features of our own mind are rendered into a cosmic scale.

Cosmic Mind from the analogy of snowflake (W10 D5), may be understood as a catch-all for the various interactions entered by life forms as species as well as individually. Scrimmage of molecules of water with free-wheeling dust ( conducted under specific conditions) gives each its special form. If we do perceive form of an object and reach our own conclusions we may assume that other species shall evolve their specific modes to understand the same object. How we see a luscious apple and how birds see it are different. Cosmic Mind is to be understood as a framework within which each life form perceives purpose and place in general terms.


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