
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

W11 D-3- A Personal Space

Oneness made real on account of space: every time we move around we create space around us. Cosmos as far as we are concerned is compressed to an intimate space. A personal space. What would that mean to us? We are shot through with everything that represents our material world. Personal space. Somewhat like your pc where your being just touches energy that is enveloped within that space: you interface with cosmos on your context whatever be at any given place and time. If collective consciousness is the site you want to visit no problem. You bypass configurations that society and culture impose on you and respond. Intuition it is called. You are hard wired for this of which, secretion of adrenaline is but an example.
Every animal has its territory as personal space for any man who will instinctively bristle at being intruded upon. In order to understand you only try moving toward a cow grazing in a field. She will move away since you are violating her space. Every life form carries a personal space, which makes Cosmos real to each. Cosmos is foreshortened in our personal space. It is not infinite scale of Cosmos but our psychological feeling of being hemmed in is what comes over us. We shrink from others coming too close. For all that Cosmos is very much a part of us. We function as if that Oneness holds to all intents and purposes no value to us.


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