
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Of Genius and Frauds

-cont'd from the previous post

By the way, in my time I have seen a certain class among the Christians, who were hell-bent for converting others not because they were convinced they had the seal of approval in themselves but to show they have prevailed over another. How low one can be to gloat over making another feel a sinner? By making one who is a little unsure and weak squirm of hell and damnation, isn’t the biblethumper establishing his superiority?
‘For as many as desire to make a shew in the flesh, they constrain you…” Gal 6:12) They have devised their own mumbo-jumbo and they think God can only work through a tightrope of their devising. Of all these zealots none deserve more sympathy from us than the Pentecostalists. Why single them out? I have been with these despicable lot for some 17 years- so I speak with some authority. ‘Truth shall make you free…” Once I started reading the Bible closely, scales fell off my eyes as it were. I thumped my nose at the pastor who threatened of dire consequences if I left the fold. ( In a way I reproached myself for my folly in not having exercised judgment and instead let people and their outward show of piety rob me of my good sense.)
By the grace of God I survived.
Grace of God gives us liberty. Me-factor guides us to use the liberty in an appropriate manner in humility, joy, peace, long-suffering, love and in hope, despite whatever contrary the circumstances are. Me-factor is wisdom itself because it reckons not filling the hour with some sensation or other but keeps timelessness of eternity as though were its natural sphere of action. Soul under such guidance learns to soar above every isms, narrow confines of race, creed and trivia of earthly existence and to look clear eyed at our potential to give.
Me-factor elevates a corporeal form to transcend its narrow mold: It trains us to be genius in the art of living. In what way such genius is expressed if not in adding to the quality of life all around? By that standard a man on the street who performs an useful task, however lowly it be, is one.


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