
Friday, August 24, 2007

W13 D7- My Mentor

Because I have a soul a Me-factor is necessary for me to cut through every confusion that cause and effect may create or when us and them degenerate into haves and haves-not over dollars and cents. “I was one among them,” and as Lord Byron says,” but not one of them.”
Whether we live or die we have something ineffable within ourselves that still bears witness to us. Me- factor is the mentor with regards to my Soul. Because I trust in my own identity, I do not need another to show how I may attain excellence in my life here and beyond.
How good is a spiritual mentor?
It was said of Alcibiades that his faults were held in check as long as Socrates was at hand. Socrates who realized that he had a natural inclination for virtue checked his perverse and impetuous traits to some extent. But removed from his restraining influence Alcibiades took up a course of action that was doomed. It is impossible for any one to live another one’s life. Even the greatest teacher must allow his pupils only what is patently their own. If their naturalness still can come through despite of corrections of experience and wisdom of others it both reflects the teacher and the pupil. Me- factor allows me to keep my wits about and keep focus of my soul.(2 B Cont'd)

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