
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 12-Summary

How we work with Oneness must be explained in terms of anomaly of matter. What we consider as spiritual or otherworld quality is rooted in our very corporeal makeup. Studies into the workings of human brain show a spiritual aspect hitherto largely neglected: religious experience. Dr.Perzinger of Laurentian University, Canada conducted tests in patients, with a weak magnetic field induced around their temporal lobes in the right hemisphere of the brain. Overlapping electromagnetic waves that the brain generates it galvanized skin responses; and studies have shown subjects could, under the influence of the magnetic field, feel a palpable presence beyond time and space. It is also seen that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy respond far more readily to religiously loaded words under test conditions than a normal person. Mystical experiences of Ellen G. White in her time were received as divinely ordained but science stepped in to point her gifts as nothing more than a result of a childhood injury. Be that as it may if one feels more comfortable with God as its source well what of it?
Relgion has many uses: it gives some to explain the obvious. They even come loaded with degrees. Some may even found megachurches. Such fellows lead us down the primrose path and say, ”Do not take my deeds for it but do as I say.”
Caveat emptor! Let the customer beware. Jesus turned water into wine. These pastors milk us to squirt their dirt on the tabloids, I say.


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