
Sunday, August 19, 2007

W13D4-Color of my Soul

Premise #6
Notwithstanding material nature of all things in a visible universe being linked to First Cause, being subject to their time and place how any object works at any given time and place must define its essence.
Between First Cause and us stand something of a gridlock in terms of cause and effect. Recalling the story of yesterday, what made a once fertile land into a dust bowl has been the result of so many events to which the farmer couldn’t have foreseen. Neither the Bank would have known. After all the Banks are for making some money. As often the case is the expert advice of financial or political pundits are only good on paper while events prove them wrong. ( Let me quote a recent news item: DES MOINES, Iowa - The state has agreed to pay $925,000 to unwitting subjects of an infamous 1930s stuttering experiment — orphans who were badgered and belittled as children by University of Iowa researchers trying to induce speech impediments.)
The Wise, the Fool the Good and bad alike are victims of chains of events.
We are even before we are born, caught in a snarl of causes and events and how we respond to them? According to our time and place. Besides our actions must make sense to us. We have opted for rational thinking haven’t we?
But do we have to behave like lemmings? Aren’t we showing our herd mentality when we with our actions convince others as though we were as sound in judgment as any other? We act to our time and place. (Who likes to be pointed out as a fool by another or for being stupid?). St. Francis must have indeed seemed a fool to the people of Assissi when he gave up the riches in order to be poor.
Making yourself pass for as rational as everybody else may be OK. But is it the best you can do? When you do a thing in order to make sense to you, as well as others may see it as something excellent, it has a ring of truth. Truth of Action.
We reveal the color of our souls with our choices.


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