
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week 13-Problem of Comparison

Premise #5
"Problem of being or non-being lies not in itself but what comes attached to it as a matter of right."
What is cause without its effect? Or material nature of an object without its abstract counterpart? Take love for example.
Horses, Horses, Horses! ©
Among many clans of Mongolian nomads the clan of Wind Riders are especially noted for their love of horses. One orphan who was adopted into the clan was called Love. When he reached 12 the chief called him and said the name was not enough. He asked the young boy,” Love must have an object? What shall it be?”
Brother Love replied,” Horses.” Years later he fell in love with one New Yorker who had dropped in among them as a student of anthropology. Before she married she said,” If you love me love my family, people and our customs. His love was so much he married Mary Anne and adopted New York as his home. He worked for a company called Horse Trading Inc., where he was shocked to learn he would work in an office from nine to five. Much worse was his feeling his colleagues had no love for horses! He still loved horses.
When one from Outer Mongolia visited him Brother Love said his love came with many strings attached. “ Yes my love for Mary Anne is worth it. But my mother-in-law..”
“Well what of her?”
“ It would have been terrible had it not been for her face. It reminds me of horses out there.”

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