
Monday, July 31, 2006


Order is what material nature strives to impose upon species and nations alike. Nature provides in cosmos the backdrop against which lifeforms compete. No particular species is preferred over another. Status or position of each lifeform being equal it is reasonable to suppose each lifeform shall hold same energy level with reference to Oneness.
How each species play the game or preserve their kind is not the concern of Oneness. Neither would it mean opposing forces shall be equal or fair. But chains of events envelop all species to respond. Thus certain groups advance at the expense of others only to be trampled down by some other. World powers rise on the thermals provided by the heat of groups each jockeying for advantages. These streams are waves of energy that sent Darius, Xerxes Alexander and Augustus to the forefront. Their despotic rule could muster and work with energy levels of so many. Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome and so many world powers wielded power only to give away to others. In such give and take all the gains are unevenly distributed. Also what are disadvantages. ( Cf: Week 4, 2nd day)


Sunday, July 30, 2006


There is no such thing as a good war or a bad war. War is like a tear in the fabric of our co-existence. Do you know how much it would cost each of us for stitching it up and make it all work again? Hidden costs of any war and disasters, natural or otherwise are incalculable. Those who initiate war think of all those material gains for a particular group, sect or nation. What they do not take into account is that big difference would make the past impresses on the present with the factor of uncertainty thrown in. It will make every prediction or calculation of the interested parties wide off the mark. Energy level of one Lebanese or an Israeli could tip the balance.
Precious energy of the common man young or old, is appropriated by them( the specious excuse may be war effort and the like. ) Nevertheless energy of all is drawn in as a matter of course. What these war-mongers do not realize they are the victims of a sting-operation set up by Nature: war is one way of redistributing levels of energy by which existing balance of power, political systems, social structure are adjusted, with the same inevitability of geographical borders that are redrawn.
‘Children ought to be seen and not heard’ was formerly accepted as a wise counsel. In a society that equated greyness as maturity and folly with the young, such counsel belied wisdom of the past.
20th century showed of what worth was the rule of conventional wisdom. Two Great Wars of which only the old had any interest, brought their hold come crashing down: it was natural the youth ask themselves: ‘What makes the old ( who reached the end of the road) think they know better than us?’
Selfinterest in the old and idealism of the young shall never agree. Such a realization caused great unrest in the sixties and Seventies and in the ensuing trouble the old order changed beyond repair.
Gerontocracy was a thing of the past.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Before the history of mankind could be written there lived a tribe of ape-men. These hunters who lived at the Three Forks belonged to the tribe of Uzunga. They lived rather in luxury while homo erectus, our ancestors were struggling to find their feet. Uzungaites specialized in one particular species. They hunted down Kau-kau, a species of birds for their plumage. Our ancestors felt envy at the way they lived. But the chief did not let them copy their ways saying, ‘First learn to stand on your feet. Later we shall have all the luxuries we have a yen for.’.
Years later uzunga tribe was stricken with a strange disease and they sought a medicine man who lived long way off. He told them to drink the blood of a kau-kau bird for a certain period of time. How disappointed the ape-hunters were! They had decimated the entire Kau-kau bird for their feathers! As a consequence the entire tribe of ape-hunters died out. All because no Kau-kau could be found.
Meanwhile our primordial ancestors had left trees for the savannah. They were ready for greater things.
Tailpiece: Exploitation of Kau-Kau by Uzungaites came at a high price. Nation-building is positive as long as each component looks closely to the way energy is spent ( and collected). Hitler’s `Aryan supremacy’ hinged on ‘ the final solution’ . Instead of liquidating Jews he had his Third Reich liquidated. Or take lessons from what happened in the ‘ 90s in the Balkans. Hatred is negative energy.
To sum: How species with totally contrary aims achieve order is due to the material nature of each player. Each contributes something towards Oneness whether one likes it or not. Energy is that hidden component. Who shall collect it is something no one can predict for certain.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Most important thing about money is in its function. In the olden days cowry shell has served the same purpose as well as paper or metal. Almost anything may be used for payment and indeed it has been so.
Down through ages money has come to mean much more than its basic function. An American dollar or a Japanese Yen will lose something of its appeal or its ‘nationality’ in competing with electronic money that is harder to control or regulate. An electronic ‘bleep’or pulse keeps your financial status altered: money came in or money sent out in such a prosaic act must lose much of its magic. The only ones who might go ga-ga over it are those crooks who thrive in anonymity. They would rather ‘phish’.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


My private grief is that I have nothing to grieve about for myself. But being connected as I am, wings of sorrow beating at some far corner of the earth cast its shadow over me.
*As daydreams to sleep is our life to life past the veil.
*The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Except in the case of life between birth and death.
*Wisdom must first cut its teeth before it can chew head off.
*Proof of the pudding is in eating; in case of life
no such proof is needed. How come?
* Why do angels fly? Because they don’t take themselves seriously.
In Passing:
I read in one sitting Ground Zero from cover to cover; why 360 pages stuck in between I can’t say.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


A monkey and a fox were traveling together and they whiled away their time exchanging their family history. Mr. Monkey had put a gloss on the status of his relations and his tall tales were too improbable to be believed. He said one of his cousin Mars-I-Pan had invented war. At that moment they came across a cemetery. Mr. Monkey didn’t forget to mention of his distant relative Eu Logy who had made burial, a spectacle. “ You ought to see the coffins they make these days, Citizen Fox. Thanks to my great grand uncle Herr Under Taker , one can die in style.” In the end Mr. Monkey made a show of how he was affected by his relations buried there. ‘ How can I not be affected?” he ended in sniffles. Citizen Fox had enough of the boastful companion,” Go on! your cousins all are heroes. How many have been buried there for cowardice or killed by friendly fire, none shall know.”
(From Aesop’ s Left Foot ©)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006


7th Day
Material nature expresses Oneness through order. Life-forms carry a body that is material; just as molecules of atoms tend to undergo changes in course of time ( Law of Entropy it is called) our bodies must be subject to immutable Laws of Nature. So death is no big deal.
Whether alive or dead, we are part and parcel of Reality.
Reality for water isn’t exactly what steam has; a block of ice has its own signture. So when we speak of time we are referring to a certain reality- in a way we can make do and profit from Time. It is as if we take a peek at Now, the pinhole through which Time is made real to us. Our understanding has grasped its essentials in the moment.
Perspective is a technique by which any three dimensional object can be represented on a two- dimensional surface. It is a device that helps artists and architects to study depth relationships of objects. In a perspective sides farther from a viewer tend to merge. The simplest example would be that of two railway tracks merging at the horizon. Where they converge is a vanishing point.
In architecture this device becomes very useful. An architect designs a building and in order to make him understood he may use perspective drawings. Rather than go into the complexity of explaining a perspective drawing in words, I shall say what it does. It lets your eye focus on a certain feature in a drawing than be distracted by so many details. Suppose one of the three buildings in a row ( and also of equal height) is the subject of present study. The drawing will be in such a way the focus of attention shall be naturally placed closest to the viewer. Other two buildings would, have in the process become smaller and imprecise.
In short a distortion is created where attention of the viewer need to be brought to focus on a particular feature than equally on all.
Tailpiece: When we create, be it society, nations or religions we are working with Idea, an absolute value. A distortion is inevitable.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Each of us lives in two different layers of time. Even as I type these, back of me, my past peers over it and its accumulated weight I cannot refuse. Experience of my race holds before me certain route map by which I may define what is life all about. From what direct evidences I have, thought not much I dare to say my conclusion about the meaning of life is pretty sound. Sitting athwart two variable speeds of time NOW and infinite time I know much more than what my finite life would indicate.
Why time flies? Because I cannot do anything of Past while Future is in danger of going the same way.
Lord Shiva according to Hindu mythology is one aspect of trimurthy or trinity. Lord of Destruction. All he needs to do is to open his third eye and fire spews forth to consume whatever has angered the godhead. Acharya Sakunya made sacrifices to Lord Shiva and he came down to the spot where Acharya stood. “Oh Lord I will ask of you a boon.” Acharya wanted the god to destroy all those who slighted him. Lord Shiva agreed. “I am so pleased and you just whisper my name and the person whom you want to get rid of.” Acharya wanted to know which direction he should turn to before he made his request. Lord Shiva replied, “I am everywhere. All you need to do is catch my ear and it is done!” Soon after Acharya asked Siva to destroy a rival who had made little of his person. Nothing happened. He asked the god crossly, “I ask you a favor and you don’t do it. Why?” Lord Shiva replied that he was on an errand. Another time he made yet another request. As before nothing happened. Acharya must have asked the lord some ten times and each time Shiva made his excuses and at last Acharya was annoyed and asked, ”What is the use of your being the consuming fire?” And he added,”You say you are everywhere. Oh of what use is that?”
Lord Shiva said,” I am everywhere but when I open my eye I am nowhere.”
Infinite time works somewhat similar in life forms. Every absolute value like Time, Space, Truth undergoes distortion.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


A bad government may justify its unjust laws with all the persuasive powers at its command; but it can only buy time.
In recent times what happened at Wacco, Texas made its impact resulting in Oklahoma bombing. Five years to the day. So many innocent lives were lost because of a wrong decision. Due to an infirmity in Law.
Posse Comitatus is a legal term: it means law enforcement in unusual circumstances. Many groups in the heartland of America have surfaced one way or other, from the very inception of the Republic to safeguard their private interests and freedom. Since Posse Comitatus law allowed Federal troups to be sent to trouble spots across the land, the question always remained in minds of people if their presence was really necessary and not a cover for a more ‘darker’ purpose? These groups could also draw their force from past events in their history. Most egregious of these must have been the atrocities that had come attached to the presence of Posse Comitatus during the Reconstruction period.
The Federal troops can only deal with ‘the clear and present danger’ of riots and the like. They cannot remove what is in the hearts and minds of people. Thus every bad law has a potential danger of breeding discontent; so has social unrest following economic or political upheavels driving innocents unwittingly into cult groups. Thus would a bad law spin out of control cutting a wide swath in any soceity weakening it by and by.
In the 1970’s the U.S Government had urged the farmers to take loans for updating their farm and machinery; but bad policies and lack of co-ordination among agencies set up to implement them saw the farmers failing one after the other. A spate of suicides followed. In 1983 Gordon and Yuri Kahl in Midlands were the victims of that discontent. The ‘renegades’ had taken shelter in Arkansas and a posse of U.S Marshals went there to capture them. Kahl died in a shoot-out and his death gave a martyr to the cause. The white supremacy was quick to foment more trouble. In June 1983 a spate of new groups mushroomed : Arm of the Lord Covenant, Sword of America and so on. These were set up with the sole idea of fighting any ideology which smacked of Anti-Christ. In other words everything that didn’t toe their line. FBI armed with sufficient evidence could arrest many of these cult leaders. Timothy McVeigh was a member who would some 12 years later begin his murderous rampage.
Tailpiece: If man’s actions should thus fan flames of injustice across time and place Oneness must signify negotiation of contrary ideas as well? Material nature of life forms restores order and consequentially ideas must also shape up.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Power of One does not know geographical restrictions; neither does Oneness.
In Ireland Michael Collins as commander of IRA developed tactics in urban guerrila warfare. His ‘safe houses’involved participation of the civilians. It led in turn Mao Tse Tung to develop his idea of ‘fishes in the sea’. More or less a paraphrase of Collins’ idea. Where lies China? Where lies Dublin?
Power of One is not alienated. If the founder of Islam could transfer his office there would not have been the two sects as now, engaged at a bitter feud. En passant, there was a similar attempt, if the account of Hegesippus is to be believed, to foist brothers of Jesus into forefront. Emperor Domitian (AD 81-96) sent for two grandsons of Jude, to interrogate them about the kingdom of Christ. They proved to him that they were simple farmers and he dismissed them with contempt. After their narrow escape they were reported to have presided over the churches. Another member of the family, a cousin of James( he was the Bishop of Jerusalem) was put to death by Trajan.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Oneness as represented by any one has often to do with an idea. ( Similar as in the case of ‘keystone’ species in an ecosystem.) Such an idea as conceived in a mind is not something new or original: only that one has dared to express it in a way it confronts others and they cannot avoid it. Because in the face of circumstances that envelop them the idea has become self-evident and vital for the whole.
‘Freedom from Tyranny is man’s birthright’ was such an idea. American War of Independence was fought to prove it. Its success gave the French the wherewithal to drive off the Bourbon rule. Power of the authors of the Bill of Rights lay in Enlightenment in Europe; and also in the support given by many colonists who were conscious of injustice (for instance the British taxed them without giving representation in policy making). Power of One is all such like-minded people lending to one their time and energy for a specific purpose. George Washington for his service to the nation became first in the hearts of the colonists. He represented power of one.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Revolutions are not begun on the spur of a moment. It all begins with the perception in one of an injustice done. Mohandas Gandhi was a young advocate in South Africa and being thrown out of his carriage despite holding a legitimate rail ticket brought home to him the ugly side of colonialism. After returning to his homeland the young barrister made it his mission to orchestrate deep dissatisfaction that convulsed the masses everywhere in the subcontinent. It was a non-violent movement. In succeeding he became known as A Great Soul or Mahatma.
Power Of one is in making Oneness serve one’s purposes for the greater good. It is representation in its nature.
Tailpiece:If whole gamut of experience of our species each individual may express (evensomuch it is an instinctive act), it stands to reason that our mind also, in broader terms is representative in nature. Holding a viewpoint( ref: W3 D2) would mean each individual takes note of his or her own immediate objectives in time and place against a landscape that has certain characteristictics unique to him or her. For example Mahatma Gandhi resorting to non-violence was understandable. Being born and bred in a land that had given birth Buddhism and Jainism is it to be wondered at if Bapu had embraced Ahimsa as his weapon? It must have seemed so proper -and right too, to the masses more or less weaned on spiritual truths taught by so many savants of yore.
Vladimir I. Lenin was a child of his times and place as Gandhi was.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The Leafcutter ants are recycling masters and they stock leaves plenty of them to mulch, which they consume in part. Armies of ants relentlessly engaged in their tasks day in and day out have no agenda other than preservation of their kind. Yet their seemingly destructive work, indirectly of course, add to the quality of the soil. How poor the earth would be without their yeoman service?
Haves as a class, however aggrandizing and grasping they are made out to be, cannot hold onto their wealth without helping the Have-nots in some manner. Whenever such a process of give and take has slowed- it signifies certain disorder, history gives instances as to the corrective measures taken. Revolutions in the past where worst excesses were committed( French revolution is one such example)owe to some disorder. Perpetual revolutions to rid the society of its evils are as much a figment out of a mad man’s dream as expecting the underprivileged to wait their turn for the Haves to show their goodwill, is being woollyheaded.
As mentioned earlier material nature expresses order.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


As fragile as a leaf can show its material nature that time may not erase. We may study the vegetation of some 66 million years old from fossilised leaves. The fossils are formed out of what minerals and the vegetation give to the soil. Time covers them in dust which when settled, and it is a continuous process, it is sediment and the minerals contribute its own to transform it into rocks.
Into this natural and continuous process a decomposing matter no more than a leaf leaves its impress. To cite another example polar caps may be drilled for samples and scientists are able to understand the atmospheric conditions prevailed at the time corresponding to the sample under study.
Every give and take transacted in a material universe, at any point of time and place is part of Oneness: the key to mysteries of our universe. Howeversomuch complex it may be, our mind has encoded it and we experience it in the way we can benefit from. In terms of time and context.
Doesn’t our instinct illustrate the above? Every little ‘flight or flee’ question that our ancestors faced in the savannah has been compressed and stored in our mind: what we experience as adrenalin rush is a pointer to this fact. Only that we see now no open places to rush to when talk goes around at our workplace about redundancy. Instead to a shrink, perhaps.
Tailpiece: For this reason I attach no importance to Prior-Life memories narrated by some child as anything more than a curiosity. Little details of those who thus are brought to surface may be verifiable. But is it paranormal? No, I doubt it. It is no more unique than carrying forward some melody you have never before heard. From so many repeated patterns in a melody, though I cannot read a single note, my ear has caught on. I may hum it in the way it should go. That is how our mind works.

Monday, July 17, 2006

to recap

Material nature of life forms makes an acorn a miniature version of the earth because of the underlying consistency. In popular imagination one knows how a Martian or an Alien for that matter would look like. It is open to interpretation according to the sensibilities and preferences of each.
Two hunters were once exchanging secrets of their success. Hunter Crabtree said he had from the day one stuck to fishing for soles. “Oh that is small fry compared to the big game hunting I am used to.”said Pack-A-Gun,”Before I shoot I say a prayer,’Lord this one is for you!’” With a chuckle he added, “my God has never let me down.”
Hunter Pack-A-Gun died and went to heaven and at the Pearly Gates the Keeper of the Door announced,”Crabtree will see you now.”The newcomer was of course was puzzled. More shock was to see Crabtree seated on the throne. He hailed Pack-A- Gun and reminded him of their last conversation. “It made me think how heaven should be like. Look around.”
Heaven was like a shooting gallery. All those games he had hunted in all his life were there. Only difference was that each had a rifle ready to shoot. Crabtree said,“ Here you get the same chances you gave them.” “I thought you only fished soles?”
Crabtree laughed hard to say,”I said I fished for souls!”

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Correspondence on the matter of size: Our planet earth is a living planet giving rise to millions of species of life forms; Because it is a home to every creature big or small, these life forms have learnt to interact in groups forming a food chain, and thriving as far as they could, making the most of their ecosystems. Crack open an acorn and one might find a world of creatures that make it their home during the nut’s growth and decay. The number, however, is limited considering the size of the acorn. The nut has its limit so has the earth.
The variety and number of organisms that fill an acorn will depend upon the surroundings. A nut lying on a bare and dry ground may not attract much as a decaying acorn swathed in a layer of moist leaves. Fecundity of moths, parasites and animals in an acorn owes to its environment as some parts of the earth are more populated than other parts. The conclusion is quite compelling. If an acorn corresponds to the earth it is because material nature of life forms is consistent though reduced to a size no bigger than an acorn.
Tailpiece: A Correspondence Principle is set in place for each life form to realize its goal and the most advantageous route (it is) required to take. Given a viewpoint it is essential and also satisfying to hold a Me-Factor. (If I cannot appreciate to what I owe my existence and wellbeing or repay it in kind how can I justify my human qualities? Us and Them as a concept has, therefore a positive quality.)

Saturday, July 15, 2006


A principle is the ultimate basis for our actions.
A correspondence principle exists on account of the fact same matter is the basis for life forms and our universe. At the level of atoms we are all one. Using material nature as the key we create some semblance of order out of cosmic events.( What we observe in our visble universe provides grist to our intellectual mill.)
Oneness is the template from which which we correspond microcosmos with macrocosmos however infinite it may be.
The Big Man who was caught for every crime in the book barely escaped the noose. He wasn’t worried of sitting it out in the maximum- security prison for life. He had found a fellow who agreed to take his place. ‘No sweat!’,explained the Big man to the sad sack who wasn’t entirely convinced,” I am gonna take care of your family in your absence.”The little fellow demurred to say,”But it will be a living hell, boss!” The Big Man said exapnsively,”Hell is for me to worry.”He added,”I have got you life, for Mercy’s sake! Be positive Joe!”
Corresponding this life with the next seems to be somewhat similar.
The very strength of human species shall be their weakness. Sinews and tissues that clothe the bare skeleton of our worlds are made up of ideas. Given a brain that is far from perfect or finished, we often are prone to slapdash conclusions. Thus we make a patch -work of religious convictions to lead us ever into bitter squabbles over trivia.
Who has certified the heaven or hell is awaiting non-believers around the corner? Who has certified the heaven or hell is awaiting non-believers around the corner? We correspond our present world with a world none has ever seen. If we have drawn wrong conclusions from this world it is only reasonable to suppose we are sure to go wrong about the world to come.
Jamal the Agouti loves hoarding up. He wasn’t always like that. He learnt the trick from a giant lizard Zeti, who had a great yen for Brazil nuts. As you all know Brazil nut falls from such heights and anyone getting a direct hit shall not live to tell it. Cocosphagous the lizards died left and right like flies because they loved the nuts too well. Their love was such they didn’t learn to avoid getting hit. Before the lizards died out, the last surviving member called a dinosaur and told him,”Your salvation lies in avoiding Brazil nuts like a plague. Paradise awaits you!”
So Prophet Dino called all the dinosaurs and gave them some 100 commandments. (The beasts being so huge, needed so many commandments to straighten them out, I guess.) The species faithfully obeyed the commandments. Agoutis who were very friendly with the dinosaurus learnt some home truths: eating Brazil nuts with relish was the sure way to perdition. But they were, just the same, dying to find out what it was to eat a Brazil nut. Some of the adventurous types one night secretly searched out a few Brazil nuts lying around. Having eaten they comforted themselves saying,”We shall not go to hell. For we ate it with disgust. Did we not?” Yes the Agoutis were clever since they didn’t disobey the commandment,”Eat a brazil nut with relish. You shall go to hell!” As a matter of abundant caution they learnt to hoard it up and called their secret preserves as ”Paradise Corner.”
Q: What’s up doc?
A: Diplodocus* can’t get up.
( * What is extinct will not mind my atrocious pun.)

Friday, July 14, 2006


Oneness is a biological imperative and not to be confused for God, anthropomorphic or otherwise. Oneness draws on time.
In 1869 a Swiss scientist had isolated an unknown chemical from the white blood cells of pus but neither he or any other had any idea what to do with it. It was a molecule, the now familiar deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.
Watson and Crick in the early 1953 achieved a breakthrough: they had taken up where Oswald Avery an American bacteriologist left off. Watson and Crick are pioneers as much as Oswald Avery is. Avery demonstrated that DNA was the stuff of life giving it directions. Thus any giant stride must owe to great many small steps of so many others.
Secondly Oneness doesn’t recognize geographical barriers as we note from the above example. The development of gene research connected Switzerland, USA and England.
Tailpiece: You cannot set barriers to ideas any more than right to think. Neither can you skip the solid support of so many that earned you a certain success. In such a case, if just the opposite had happened, how will you view the success of another? With unconcealed jealousy? Or learn to look at success differently?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Falling sycamore seeds gave da Vinci the idea of helicopter. Technology of his time was not developed in areas where his design could have benefited. Had he designed it in the period of Industrial revolution it would have been another story: history of flying would have got an earlier start.
Sycamore tree grows to a height of 70’-0”or so. It has a large canopy to maximize the absorption of CO2. From such a height and large canopy it makes sense if the tree wants to ensure its seeds are scattered farther from it shade.
Each takes lessons from nature differently.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

to recap

To Recap:
Material nature in cosmos is not for creating nothingness. It creates order out of changes. It is positive in quality.
‘Mad’ Max was designated as the biggest fool who ever lived in a town with a curious name Pie-In-The-Sky. As soon as he learnt to assemble a refrigerator he knew he wanted to sell one. So he took off to the North Pole. But the Eskimos didn’t buy a single one and he died a very poor man. All that he left behind was some ice boxes and a technical manual.
On the other hand Dr. Faustus having made a pact with the devil became the most celebrated scholar who knew everything that went under the sun, which passed for knowledge. How he was feted by the crowned heads and scholars alike! Then came the computers that made him redundant. He died in grief. He said that he was beaten by a machine. Yes.
The world went a-changin’! Then came a thaw and ice melted. The polar caps vanished as an icicle in a furnace. The Eskimos learnt to live with the climate changes. Then someone found the papers of ‘Mad’ Max and it was a discovery that electrified the whole region. They learnt to make fridges themselves and control their houses to the right temperature. Who contributed to the welfare of the world more? A fool or a scholar?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Scientists believe there are immense voids stretching across the universe where no matter seems to exist. No light seems to shine from its yawning centre either. A black hole perhaps? Similar to what is observed in our own galaxy? Existence of such ‘bubbles’ of contrariness in the middle of Cosmic radiation ought to warn us how we define matter.
Cosmos is not something straightforward. Matter, thus in a material universe shall be dark matter or anti-matter for that matter. Even so material nature expresses Oneness(1) using this very asymmetry just as the tilt in the earth regulates seasons.
Galaxies move across other galaxies without colliding. Similarly matter rarely crash into anti-matter causing total annihilation. Material nature operating with totally opposing values like matter and anti-matter is not for creating nothingness but Oneness. It is positive in quality.(ref. Glossary: Anomaly of matter)
The same principle can be seen from the following. The US military operation in Iraq in April 2003 ( according to what we are led to believe) was to bring down the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein. He belonged to the minority Sunni sect while the majority of the population belonged to Shi’ite. In knocking him out the USA merely made the hand of Iran stronger.
We may briefly succeed in creating a substitute for ‘truth’ (by controlling public opinion or rewriting history). But we can’t escape truth of our actions. Time shall write its own commentary on the Bush doctrine.
Tailpiece: what has all those dollars spent in the ’70s and ‘80s in Chile, El Salvador ‘to root out red menace’ earned for Washington? Except loss of innocent lives, men and material?

Monday, July 10, 2006


Biosphere or an ecosystem works precisely because all life- forms are connected as so many beads to a common thread. Success is counted in the way any species has managed to survive against all odds. Natural selection is wisdom manifest in a successful life form. It will also show power it has derived from its experience among so many other life forms.
Thus, every man is finetuned to his peak performance by experience of his past and every other with whom he will have to compete.
Tailpiece: Some plants that grow in waterlogged nutrient-poor peat of bogs would require more than luck in order to survive. Survival strategy of Greater bladderwort(Utxicularia vulgaris)is aggressive to say the least. It has sensitive hairs which, when touched by a passing insect, signal the plant to release its bladder. The insect is brought down in the engulfing water and the plant using special enzymes can digest it at its leisure.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


In an ecosystem one finds a species around which life forms manage the web of life. Such an order is achieved not by any common consent but in the way each life-form exercises its own Oneness(1). Off the coast of South California sea otters are ‘keystone’ animals. By knocking out the keystone what delicate balance is achieved will be disrupted. Sea otters were extensively
hunted down in 18th and 19th centuries for their fur. In their near extinction sea urchins multiplied beyond limit. They in turn caused havoc by eating the giant kelps that served as a shelter for seals.
Explanation: (1)What does ‘oneness’ denotes for us as a species? Our apeman who walked for the first time on two feet because of the advantages he saw therein, made all other members in his group follow suit. The idea of the rich pickings they could have by freeing their hands had to be completed with the security in numbers. Selfishness of an individual has its contrariness, call it altruism if you will, in order to sustain his own progress.
Credo of this oneness? ‘All for one, one for all.’


In an ecosystem one finds a species around which life forms manage the web of life. Such an order is achieved not by any common consent but in the way each life-form exercises its own Oneness(1). Off the coast of South California sea otters are ‘keystone’ animals. By knocking out the keystone what delicate balance is achieved will be disrupted. Sea otters were extensively
hunted down in 18th and 19th centuries for their fur. In their near extinction sea urchins multiplied beyond limit. They in turn caused havoc by eating the giant kelps that served as a shelter for seals.
Explanation: (1)What does ‘oneness’ denotes for us as a species? Our apeman who walked for the first time on two feet because of the advantages he saw therein, made all other members in his group follow suit. The idea of the rich pickings they could have by freeing their hands had to be completed with the security in numbers. Selfishness of an individual has its contrariness, call it altruism if you will, in order to sustain his own progress.
Credo of this oneness? ‘All for one, one for all.’