
Wednesday, July 26, 2006


A monkey and a fox were traveling together and they whiled away their time exchanging their family history. Mr. Monkey had put a gloss on the status of his relations and his tall tales were too improbable to be believed. He said one of his cousin Mars-I-Pan had invented war. At that moment they came across a cemetery. Mr. Monkey didn’t forget to mention of his distant relative Eu Logy who had made burial, a spectacle. “ You ought to see the coffins they make these days, Citizen Fox. Thanks to my great grand uncle Herr Under Taker , one can die in style.” In the end Mr. Monkey made a show of how he was affected by his relations buried there. ‘ How can I not be affected?” he ended in sniffles. Citizen Fox had enough of the boastful companion,” Go on! your cousins all are heroes. How many have been buried there for cowardice or killed by friendly fire, none shall know.”
(From Aesop’ s Left Foot ©)



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