God Is In The Details
When a star explodes far away in the Milky Way, cosmic rays penetrate through the Earth's atmosphere and produce ions and free electrons. The released electrons act as catalysts and accelerate the formation of small clusters of sulfuric acid and water molecules, the building blocks of clouds. Therefore, cosmic rays increase cloud cover on Earth, reflecting sunlight and keeping the planet relatively cool. Stronger winds during icy epochs stirred the oceans and improved the supply of nutrients in the surface waters."The odds are 10,000-to-1 against this unexpected link between cosmic rays and the variable state of the biosphere being just a coincidence,ā€¯according to Henrik Svensmark of the Danish National Space Center. Their study offers a new perspective on the connection between the evolution of the Milky Way and the entire history of life over the last 4 billion years.
One point in particular: cold and icy times are generally considered unfriendly to life yet it has its own way of turning it to its advantage: improved supply of nutrients in the surface waters. Similar to the oceanic conveyor belt that starts about Greenland. Because of extreme cold, the heavier salt content is leached into the bottom setting up a current of warmer, and lighter water ice filling into the vaccuum. This according to me works under an Inversion principle. (Ref: Anomaly of matter, which I shall deal in my next post.)
A theologian might say God is Love; a philosopher would think of God as an idea. Perhaps a naturalist will see Him in the way things find their own level or equilibrium; how species use the narrow window of opportunity to turn it around for their own survival. Can any one isolate every trace of cosmos that works under certain principles and point to the composite as God?
When we are speaking of a designer God we face the same difficulty.
In school I was taught light is a wave and later I realized it could be also a particle. Thus in my own limited understanding God means something of a shorthand, an aid to memory, to my thoughts and emotions.
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