
Friday, March 14, 2008

Suffering In Context Of Truth

You may have worked diligently for attaining excellence in a certain discipline and suppose you lose to another who has not worked hard as you. It is natural that you feel let down. But equating failure or success on the basis of what you consider as a prize worthy of you is not correct. How would you know the outcome of any enterprise?
Take the life of Joseph for example.
Why Joseph had to suffer? He had whipped up the jealousy of His brethren. At a human level we can understand it. Was God whimsical or wayward to let the misfortunes sweep off Joseph from his home? We shall learn soon that he had to extend his experience far beyond that he had in his father’s house. He had to have the breadth and depth needful in a King’s counselor. As a slave sold to the Ishmaeelites and Midianites he had to understand the feel of the subjects he would one day govern. It was a huge responsibility and he would not have got it while mollycoddled at home.
Joseph had to earn the trust of the King of Egypt as he had earned the love of his father. The ability to interpret dreams for which he became hateful to his brethren became more defined in the prison and when opportunity arose he was there to guide his king. Joseph as a trusted counselor of Pharaoh led his aged parent and brethren to safety in the years of famine. But another Pharoah who didn’t know or care for the name of Joseph (Exo.1:8) ascended to the throne. We read how brutal he and his cohorts were towards the children of Israel. Would we interpret this as God playing upon the trust of His servants? God is Truth and He doesn’t act willy-nilly. When we accept God as our guiding principle we ought to accept also this truism: what we think as good fortune also brings misfortune in its wake. But then God for whom all things are possible is still in control. He can still work around what is misfortune and strengthen and support us on our passage through life.
God is Truth but we may not see it as absolute. As Moses who wished to see His glory we may see it partly as truth of nature or as truth of experience.( Ex.33:23)
Truth of experience is what makes every experience you have gained serves your progress through life for the better.

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