
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mirror Mirror, on the wall...

Cont'd from the previous post.
From Christian perspective the Spirit of God has a restrictive meaning to indicate the nature of soul in terms of an anthropomorphic God.
In the opening chapters of Genesis we read that God breathed into the nostrils of Adam. Imagine the pure breath of God! One might ask ‘Why should He pour His Spirit into a lowly vessel?
It seems to me that He equipped man with a soul so he may meet whatever challenges he faced whether he obeyed him or not. Because he fell would not mean God compromised the sanctity of His breath.
From that breath of God the man had plumbed in essentials of His Godhead. What does St. Paul say about this? Rom1:19 reads as thus, “ That which may be known… God hath shown it…”
Having a living soul how Adam responded to the wiles of the serpent was as if he had none. God didn’t take back his soul but death has since that time laid its hands on mankind as a matter of right.
Soul is like a mirror from which we take the measure of eternal things. Mirror on the wall of eternity gives us a reading to which how we respond is often different to each as with we make sense of our external world.

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