
Sunday, March 09, 2008

My Essence

Essence of man can neither be in his corporeal form that is finite or in its abstract aspect as his mind.
What is mind?
It is something that his body can make use of. Mind is an accretion of many past influences, experiences and ideas that he can access to. Only in the way he uses them he puts his own stamp. No two persons see an event the same way. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans one preacher saw it as divine retribution as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah. When his wife and daughter died in a tragic auto-crash he said, “ It was God teaching him to love Him more than anyone else on the earth’. .
One would ask,” Does God achieve His ends with you and me by dancing on the misery of others?"
Man interprets his visible world with a logic peculiar to him. His actions also show his rational standpoint. He is not master of the consequences of his actions. His logic also falls apart as a rope of sand.
Coming back to my main point man’s essence cannot be in his body or its abstract shadows but in the way he acts. Soul therefore becomes the single most vital tool that he has in order to carve his name for all time.
Trying to please a world that is constantly changing with what is your essence is like writing your name on water. If you try to make an idea bear your essence, it shall be unfaithful in any other. Fine idea it was to found a new Canaan in the New World. When it has come at the cost of placing the Native Americans into reservations, squalor and degradation, the Acts passed by the Nation has killed the soul of the idea.
I shall end this post with my definition for soul as the quintessence or identity of the being. Many strands of Truth of nature, of experience and of action, all plaited into one. While the body is corporeal soul is timeless.

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