
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week 2- Summary

To Recap
No man comes clean, pure, untainted by the experience of his universe. Take the mystery of our conception: the sperm that gets coalesced with the egg has sets of genetic code from both parents. But for all that do we not make much of ‘doing our own thing’ or ego trip? No matter how we are shaped by experiences existed before our coming into this world we hold ourselves as separate from them. I have my identity as distinct from yours.
Truth of nature is what gives us the certainty of our own individuality.
Truth is sovereign that directs our growth: howevermuch comforting our prenatal state may have been, do we wish to go back to it? We know in our very being we are not aquatic creatures but terrestrial beings.
Truth of nature of man’s material makeup also connects him to cosmos since all the elements in his material make-up have come from cosmos. In terms of experience of his primaeval past, nothing that his race has ever subscribed to or still practice shall be alien to him. It will require only an opportunity a chance incident for him to rediscover his past. Thus a Caucasian, all his life a dweller of the Bible belt in America, shall invent his past in many ways: what could he have in common with a bushman?
A bushman may go to his shaman and fall into trance. If the civilized Caucasian who is apt to think a liberal is worse than devil, go to a bar and get stone drunk is he not showing something of his past?



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