
Thursday, May 10, 2007

W2 Day5

Form and Function
Genetic material of man and bacteria are of same nature: Material nature. This nature gives both the wherewithal to respond to external stimuli.
Humans as a species would require all the skills it can get in order to adjust to the vagaries of its environment. Different strains of bacteria have evolved with human species (ref: Week-1 To Recap. Section 2) and yet would have different skills than we humans. Because they have different priorities than we have.
If different species having acquired special skills and would still opt for a relationship of sorts would it not mean each stands to gain thereof? It also implies some kind of order. The expression ‘You watch my back and I shall watch yours.’ illustrates it.
Material nature of cosmos expresses oneness. It is expressed in the underlying drive for order. Symbiosis for example refers to an order in terms of utility.
Certain species of root fungus (i.e. mycorrhizae) live among plants. Fungus receives carbohydrates and in turn it enhances nutritive intake of the plant.
Another aspect of order we see in our Milky Way. A nebulous gaseous cloud tends to form a spiral shape with arms. A double spiral in a DNA defines order: material nature expressed by a form as distinct from another.
When cream is poured into a stirred cup of coffee shows up a striking resemblance to galaxies with outer parts of arms trailing around its centre. Is it merely a coincidence? Or does it speak of an order?


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