
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Week-2 Anomaly Of Matter

The Egg And I ©
An Indian fakir who performed the famous rope tricks in various parts of India came to Europe at the turn of the last century. Having hit a bad patch and reduced to do menial tasks he managed to get a job as a sandwich man, carrying advertisements on his front and back.
In 1901 he was in the Swiss capital. One summer evening he was coming and almost hit against one who was pushing a baby carriage but seemed to be lost in thought. He got around to talk to the young man who brightened up to see a fakir from the east. “Is it true that you believe Reality is a void?” he asked. The fakir answered.” That all depends upon what Reality you are looking for? There or here? Reality of today or of yesterday?”
Asked to make himself clearer he said: “My rope trick, which is nothing really, but out there makes me live a princely life? But here, it is so hard even with wit!”
The young man asked, “How does Reality change from day to day?” “See what I carry on back today? Yesterday it was at the front. One is for dairy products and the other for cuckoo clocks. Two products that have no connection with one another except in my person.“
The young father would have kept the conversation going but the baby began to cry and the Indian pointed him to the fact. “Ah, yes the baby. Thanks.”
“By the way what is your name?
The star, SN2006gy is 150 times the mass of the sun. It has provided the spectacular fireworks show about five times brighter than any of the hundreds of supernovae ever seen before,
The discovery, announced Monday by NASA, drew oohs and aahs for months from the handful of astronomers who peered through telescopes to see the fuzzy remnants of the spectacular explosion after it was first spotted last fall.
And even at 240 million light years away, this star in a distant galaxy does suggest that a similar and relatively nearby star — one 44 quadrillion miles away — might blow in similar fashion any day now or 50,000 years from now, Smith said. It wouldn't threaten Earth, but it would be so bright that people could read by it at night, said University of California at Berkeley astronomer David Pooley. However, it would only be visible to people in the Southern Hemisphere, he said.( AP. May 7)

Material nature of matter being consistent Truth of nature will give a star its own signature as man will impress on his times and place. He doesn’t bring anything new except that he works with chains of events already in motion. Does he control events or is he being carried along by the force of events? It is a 64 million dollar question which has not been answered as yet. Like the Indian fakir he has to reconcile many of his experiences in the light of hard times.
Take the case of the most celebrated scientist of our times: Einstein made us rethink of our universe away from the Newtonian model. How did he fare in the latter part of his career? Did he for all that astounding feat ever achieved by man succeed in the holy grail of Theory About Everything? No, he made himself a relic of the past by fighting against the Quantum Physics which he helped to bring about. Only that younger scientists like Niels Bohr, Heisenberg went on with their valuable researches that had more to do with the need of the hour, made vital by his pioneeirng discovery.
In short Truth of nature shall not be controlled by any man or nation however highminded or brilliant or powerful be.



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