
Thursday, May 10, 2007

W2 Day 4

Horse Sense

King Vikrama of Vijayanagar was once traveling through a mountainous region. It was a desolate country and his horse suddenly became nervous. The reason soon became clear as two figures came towards them. The king patted the mane of his horse and whispered softly, ”It is alright. It is father and son.” The horse just froze in fright.
The king knew that the beast had reason to be afraid. He could spot a ghost a mile away. Just as his master. There stood a man in disguise of a traveler who the king knew was a spirit all right. But it was the son who made the horse most frightened. The beast crouched on all fours while the boy now came in a trot towards him. He sniffed him all over and whinnied. The boy acted as if he were a horse!
Meanwhile the father held out his hand. The king pressed a coin into his palm that to his amazement he threw away.
“I was a king in previous life,” the ghost said, “ Never mind these vile dress of mine. I am a ghost who could not find a body except that of a beggar.”
Soon the boy was prancing around the beggar pulling him in all directions. Harried the man requested Vikrama to remove his horse away. “This boy is a spirit too, that of a horse.” “That makes sense.” The king exclaimed, he sees now a real horse and wants to be also one.”
King Vikrama quickly rode away.
The horse could well recognize truth of nature of its kind though it had changed its outer form. What makes us know another is similarly by truth of our nature. Our humanness signifies it.


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