
Thursday, August 03, 2006


The Classical Age of Greece remains as a high- water mark of civilization of mankind. That age was unique in a way every great civilization elsewhere in India, China or Egypt has had its own distinct stamp.
Having said this let me say the Greeks were by no means backward. The city of Athens was like New York of today. Athenians were politically savvy and as sophisticated as any New Yorker of today. It was on these Athenians one of the silliest pranks in history was played at the time of tyrants. Pisistratus who wanted to grab power conspired with some, and as a result a woman was chosen to dress up as Athene. She was tall and impressive: dressed in a suit of armor and riding around in a chariot she made a convincing show that she was indeed the goddess come in person to lead Psistratus to Acropolis. The ploy worked. The tyrant was recieved everywhere with open arms.
If a city could be fooled it stands to reason that a citizen could be fooled. Only that each person has his or her own weak spot. Do I find what is mine and correct it? or make excuses?


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