
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Two Kinds Of Spirit

‘And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;…’(Gen3:7)
In the Book of Psalms we read that ‘God is clothed with honour and majesty’(Ps 93,97,104) ‘It is how the Psalmist envisions his God and rightly so. In the gospel of John we read that ‘No man hath seen God at any time’(Jo 1:16) How does then the Psalmist describe God and the Creation chronicle in an ecstatic hymn if not for the Spirit? We have a sure word of this from the disciple of Jesus.’ But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.(2 Pe 1:21)
Man has two avenues by which he may know of the world about him. As I mentioned in the previous post ‘On Mysteries’ he has his physical world and also his inner world. There is spirit of the world and also ‘Spirit which is of God.’ (1 Co 2:12)
Man’s knowledge cannot be built on the right foundations if it only provides for his needs in part.
Adam being in the right context of God was filled with knowledge of Good. In the first chapter of Genesis God saw that everything that he had made was good. This being the case by eating the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil he overreached himself.
Adam and Eve were in the direct context of God. They were naked but they were not ashamed. Why? They were covered by the same glory and honour that clothed God. Knowledge of everything Good was in their very core of their being. Spirit of God was about them and basking in that light the nakedness was a sign of their perfection. They being so happily placed in their association with God was there any need to listen to some gratuitous advice of Satan? After they disobeyed we read that their eyes were opened,(Gen3:7) just as Satan had told them. Satan as always is the master of half-truths. Satan was right partially.
Adam and Eve had discovered the spirit of the world right where they were placed in the East of Eden. Spirit of the world gave them skills to make themselves aprons. Where man misses the spirit of God he needs to fall on the spirit of the world. It is like having a tiger by the tail. He calls it progress and it is always at the expense of something else.

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