
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In His Image

If one reads the first chapter of Genesis carefully one is struck by the fact the Creative Narrative is a series of separations. When God commands ‘Let there be light!’(vs.3) there is light and it is in terms of darkness. Darkness is the absence of light. Corollary of this shows up in Day and Night. Day is in terms of Night. Creation Day is to be set in direct context of Creation Night and the two components are Not to be interpreted either mystically or in spiritual sense. God intended the coupling of both by same standard of His creative judgment.
What about the Sun, you might ask me. The Sun He set in the firmament to give light on the earth. The Moon is introduced in keeping true to His creative judgment as a celestial sign in terms of the Sun. Of this I shall come in a moment.

In verse 6 the separation of waters created Heaven and the waters of the Earth. The latter is gathered to form Seas. If we go back to the verse2 we shall understand that while God separated Day from Night, various other events were also concurrently happening. The Earth that was without form, became organized or to use an expression we are all familiar with, evolving into the form that we know of. The point we need to keep in mind is that Creative process for the heavens was no less different from that existed below on the Earth. God is not the God of Chaos but as St. Paul says is of Order. As with living creatures that came later God’s creative Mind has made His creation to fall into a certain pattern.
Heavens and the Earth
The Sun and the Moon.
Order is in the same sense we may make of a mirror image. The substance and its shadow should not sow chaos over one another but remain beyond shadow of doubt connected to one another. It is in this context we need to understand the creation of man. He created man in His image (vs.27). ‘Male and female he created them’, does not mean any transgender issue but of God being reflected as in a mirror. Man and woman as one. Of equal standing. God has not set man head over the woman but in His image. No more no less.

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