
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Week 6

Man Against Cosmos
Earlier on I had stated that apparent contradictions of our existence owe to Anomaly of Matter. We need to look at Cosmos as a block, a mold from which we are lifted: ‘Dust to dust, Earth to earth, Ashes to ashes,’ to paraphrase the line from our Common Prayer Book.
Cosmos works somewhat like a clock having different parts: only that each part seems to work at cross purposes but taken them altogether the clock still tells the correct time.
Look at the heart of an atom: is it not a desolate waste of enormous emptiness where you have positive charge of proton coming to terms with negative charge of electrons? The space within an atom is as orderly and awesome as Cosmos! In other words microcosmos correspond with macrocomos. Yet where attraction of larger bodies in macrocosmos depends on gravity, within an atom electromagnetic attraction holds proton and electron! (This attraction obeys the same Newtonian inverse-square law that defines force of gravity between sun and planets.)
Such anomaly must hold its secret for the gravity, which governs our Earth while what envelops our body cells,- virtually indestructible, and knit together by practically nothing but surface tension.
What we call life and death are states, which must correspondingly bear a certain relation: since both states are woven out of the distaff of our material form. As sleep and wakeful state.


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