
Thursday, May 31, 2007

W5 D2 Pennies From Heaven

Error of Simplification
If Earth is reduced to the size of a golf ball it will be smoother than the ball; what one misses in the process are the marvels which take our breath away. Does not the planet lose much by way of its ‘personality’ if an observer from far above couldn’t pick out the Himalayan ranges or Grand Canyon?
A nation may be founded on the belief ‘In God We Trust’. ‘But count your pennies’ is what comes to be attached to it because such a trust has to be put in the process of nation building. God reduced to pennies. In God we trust but count your pennies. A catchphrase nevertheless, but carries practical wisdom. In order to hold a nation together an army is a necessity and armaments cannot be got merely on trust. Those arm merchants who supply the arms also believe in God but they insist on being paid in hard cash from the nation. Do you think the soldiers, who secure the national boundaries from invasion can be sent to their stations on trust? The nation has placed in God their trust but hard cash is as good as God having translated their trust in ways they can understand.
In God we trust: Pharisees and Publicans also swear by it. But then in public giving God all the credit is good for their souls; and more than everything else is good for their businesses.
Simplifying Providence in terms of hard cash we have simply made a short work of God. Some of these Good Christians who call on the name of God are altogether something else in the way they run their businesses. They have oversimplified God so finely no one may distinguish between their God and their ‘filthy lucre.’
Tailpiece: Atheists who deny God when asked give their reasons and as Dostoevsky says in The Idiot,’ will ever slur over; they will always be talking of something else.”
Is God to be defined by Trinity or Transubstantiation or denied for the ‘crimes and misdemeanors’ of the Christians? ‘God has just such gladness every time he sees from heaven that a sinner praying to him with all his heart as a mother has when she sees the first smile on her baby’s face.’
‘The essence of religious feeling doesn’t come under any sort of reasoning or atheism.’ I fully agree with this.


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