
Thursday, May 24, 2007

W4 Day3

Idea Is The Oxygen
‘Brute force wins you slaves; but sell me an idea so that I may worship you,’ so said the Nubian king who refused to kowtow before Pharaoh Actin’ it-out. So the Son of Thoth did some soul searching and came up with the idea of pyramids. What an idea it was! Its indestructability we see even now. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are already given the status of honorary member when we are compiling the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
No great monument like the Pyramids of Cheops could have been built on the levels of energy of the ruling class alone. So the powers-that-be hit upon an idea that would electrify the masses. A belief in afterlife and the pharaoh as a celestial symbol made it all possible.
The idea is the thing.


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