
Monday, May 21, 2007

The Man Who Could Hate Anything

'In the midst of Plenty' Bar was just the kind of therapy for me. I could meet all kinds of people and build up my shattered ego. I have been below par lately. I suffered from a low esteem. Sorry for this digression. For this story is about the man in a red blazing tie, almost loud enough to shatter my color sense.
I met the man slouched over his drink. His eyes struck me as infinitely sad. Having looked into mine he could not easily shake loose.
"Ah, I got you" I murmered with a touch of triumph. "My powerplay is having results" I said to myself as I moved towards him.
Always the opening line was as embarrassment for me as the one who was the recipient. Having made the move, I could not back out now! "A bold tactical move speaks for you" I quoted the 'Powerplay for the wimps'. I pulled up the chair and sat opposite to him. I wanted to touch upon the weather. Before the snot of conversational kerchief could come fluttering into view, I sidetracked; I said: "Nice tie". Almost I bit my tongue in embarrassment.
The stranger ran his fingers through his tie with a distaste and almost spat out:"This rag! I hate its color. Besides, it is too wide." He said it and his bilious eyes glided below his hooded lids. The pause was as painful to me as well as for him.
Gently I said:"Hate is a very powerful emotion. Is there anything you don't hate?"
"No!" he spat out. He downed his gin in one gulp and studied his nails as if he were seeing them for the first time. "I hate every thing. This drink that makes me bitter. I hate the weather that drove me into this awful joint."
For a full ten minutes he went on the monotonous litany of his hate which I could see was so pervasive that even the toothpicks neatly stocked before him in a chipped porcelain cup were not spared.
While his monologue seemed gaining second wind, I excused and said:"I hate to break up this meeting."
It somehow made the contact. The stranger streched his hand as if to say 'hold it'. “ You also hate then! That make you my soulmate!”
He turned to the bartender and beckoned him. "Hey Joey, here is my pal. We both have things to hate. What would you recommend?"
As the bartender took a trifle too long, the stranger leant to me and said in a whisper:"We both hate bartenders who are slow, don't we?"
I nearly choked and ran for life.


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