
Friday, February 02, 2007

Who Broke The Bank?

Trees cannot speak but they register the presence of humans: we breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide that trees can make use. They take in carbon dioxide to give back oxygen. Is it not a conversation done on a purely chemical level?
All lifeforms have a common interest since each lifeform is an investor to the Bank of Biosphere.
Think of every life-form as contributing as well as drawing from the common bank where solids, colloids, liquids and vapor are currencies (in place of bonds, securities and precious metals), which could only be said as fair if each did benefit from the bank. Such activity must fuel growth of all concerned as health of nation’s economy is provided by each investor engaged in transacting business, and replenishing the common funds held by the bank.

Global warming must be seen as an engine, self sustained by the dynamics of life forms. Now we are seen as biggest defaulters who have overdrawn from the common pool and in a manner of speaking ruined other species, which have equal claim to the fruits of their investment.

PARIS - International scientists and officials hailed a report Friday saying that global warming is "very likely" caused by man, and that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level "would continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.
The panel predicted temperature rises of 2-11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100. That was a wider range than in the 2001 report. (News: Associated Press.)


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