
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Down to Earth

Have you seen a five and ten cents man? He is so down to earth that even worms complain they can’t get enough of him. He looms large on their radar, you see. Such a man went to the Bank because he knew five cents when deposited in the bank got interest and ten cents got you double. His life was uncomplicated since he knew simple arithmetic of life added up. Thus he went singing a tune, ‘a bird in hand is two…’ You ought to know how people burst into a song when they have loose change in their pockets. ( It loosens their spirit to soar a little. Obvious isn’t it?) Our five and ten cents man sang a little out of tune. It was OK since it wasn’t a million but measly five and ten cents. How much do you think one can sing with it?
There was suddenly a scream. People shouting of a hold up. Our man was crossing the pedestrian walk while a car came as though devil was behind the wheels. People ran helter skelter but five and ten cents man stuck to the pedestrian walk since he had the right of way. He knew that auto was coming on the wrong direction. ‘Thank God I’m not breaking any rules...” Next moment he was down.
His life did not add up since others had other ideas. It was sad. The five and ten Cents of his life had gotten into his soul so much so it could not lift him out of his rut.
Imagination is there to make you fly past danger whenever you come across one. The biggest danger is not an asteroid hitting you when on a walk but those little devils of boredom in everyday life. You are lost if you didn’t learn to improvise in a manner suited to any occasion.


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