
Friday, March 28, 2008

The Haves and Havenots

From such withdraw thyself.’ 1Tim 6:5
In this pastoral letter St.Paul speaks of those who resist wholesome words that are ascribed to our Lord Jesus Christ. In the verses preceding the text the apostle passes on his thoughts as to how slaves ought to conduct towards their believing masters. In St. Paul’s time slaves were an essential part of the Greek and Roman households. In our society we do not accept slaves; nor do we consider any system that allows men to be bonded to serve for another, either by coercion or monetary inducement as correct. Since God’s word is unchangeable we might look beyond the question of slave-master relationship to what is godliness inherent in relationship of any one who may have to serve another in terms of goods or service.
Godliness is where God is at the centre of any transaction. Its validity is based on Truth. Any transaction in order to be right must move on truth. This holds true where the supplier is obliged to the consumer and an entrepreneur to his employee. Where truth is God is part of the deal. God who giveth richly all things to us,- the taskmaster and his subordinate alike, is the mediator. So in all transactions we need to remember the name of God or his doctrine be not blasphemed. (1 Tim 6:17)
Doctrine of truth expects the rich and the poor alike to lay hold on eternal life.(vs.19)

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