
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Situation Ethics

A man had two sons. They were twins and they were brought up to carry the family honor and traditions of the family name as famous as Cabots and Vanderbilts. John followed his fathers footsteps in International Jurisprudence and Matt in armaments. Having worked with the Krupps he branched off to manufacture arms and ship it to various parts of the globe. As scions of a great family name they never played for peanuts. John defended the powerful and the great. He believed in situation ethics while his brother was an absolutist meaning the latter spoke of Truth in every sense of the word.
Before he shipped arms to a country that was on the proscribed list of the State Department his brother cautioned him to tread carefully. “ Why should I not?” Matt could not understand. Because he had supplied arms to the country till the month before. They were now on the enemy list.
John defended the policy of the Capitol Hill saying,
” Yesterdays enemies sometimes become our friends today. It is within our countrys interest. So do not go against the policy.” Matt believing in his own conscience went ahead. Of course his violation of law caused such a furore and he was hauled before the court of law.
John of course took up the task of defending his brother. John rescued his brother from ignominy of going to prison. Matt after he was cleared of all charges asked his brother why he took up knowing his values were diametrically opposite to his. John replied thus: “I feared more for the honor and the good name of our family than your views.” Yes John had his bottom line despite of believing in situation ethics.
Often what we face in our everyday lives is not the matter that determines the issue of life or death. Situation ethics is only valid where quality of life around us is increased by our sound responses to the challenges we face. It may be in our home or in schools or at workplaces. Situation ethics stops where it hurts our conscience and our further growth as responsible individuals is put in jeopardy.


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