
Monday, November 20, 2006

Sequel to A Modern Fable of Nov. 15

The burglar who broke into the merchant’s house insisted he had no other choice unless he found enough articles of value in order to save his face. Mustapha the neighbor could understand his predicament.
“ You are right Ali Baba. But the police around here are worse than cut throats. They string you up from the lamppost first for being ‘kaffir’ and thereafter demand a fee for their services.” The burglar suddenly let out a sigh of relief.” Whew! Brother, You must save your neck while I save my face.” He suggested him to ask the neighbors to bring all the valuables they could give. Mustapha did as he was told and found others were cool to his idea. They just melted away. In the end Mustapha had to pay up from his own goods in order to save his face. The burglar saw it was not much but he thought it just saved his face.
He quickly faded off with what he could.
Mustapha reminds me of the lot of Democrats. U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel the incoming chairman of the House of Representatives' tax-writing committee, said he would introduce legislation to reinstate the draft as soon as the new, Democratic-controlled Congress convenes in January. "If we're going to challenge Iran and challenge North Korea and then, as some people have asked, to send more troops to Iraq, we can't do that without a draft," he said.
The Republicans must be laughing in their sleeves!


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