
Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The synoptic gospels sketch Jesus from varying standpoints and with palette of colors. Gospel according to St. John is as distinct as that St.Luke. A skeptic is likely to complain the gospels delineate an Unknown Jesus.
In many cases we notice words are put in the master’s mouth by Paul or Peter. As things turned out it was Paul of Tarsus who became the custodian of Jesus and not Simon Peter. Thus we get to see the master from the eyes of a student who never went to his school or heard him at first hand.
Two gospels have attributed to Jesus the following injunction.” If they eye offend thee, pluck it out…” (Mt 18:8-9) Does being blind ever cure a man or woman of lustful thoughts?
Gouge your eyes out and yet you shall think lustful thoughts. So Jesus in my opinion was challenging each believer to go behind mere superficiality of words. Only by grace of God one can overcome his/her lustful thoughts. Letting oneself go is more difficult than fulfilling some rituals. Grace that is given without strings attached wins you victory, and not because you overcame each temptation by sheer will power. In your admission that you have come to the end of your own resources, grace is implied. It is left to God then.



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