
Thursday, September 07, 2006


Those believers who cannot see beyond their prophets have no liberal education, as we in the West would like to believe.
These have-nots who cannot take a joke have a problem as much as we have a problem of choosing between what is funny and what is not. An artist who has no ideas or anything new, regresses to infantile shock tactics. So what he chooses to exhibit? It may be a cross in a bag of urine and a horse mangled into lump of flesh with blood all over. He has shocked the public. Yes he sure has.
Only that those who have invested on his art want to see profits. So they get the press and PR. As a result those who have thought themselves as fashion gurus pontificate. On predictable lines.
Some selfstyled trendsetters in order to be fresh and at the same time to be with it add "Ooh!"
- yes to some everything is art if it carries a price tag of millions.
It attracts some art critics like flies to say some inanity or other. Who has the last laugh? The artist had his publicity and enough money to go on to do some other outrageous buffoonery. The gallery owner has immediately found some fresh talent from the garret,( or sewer I am not sure which) to keep the circus going.
This sort of culture is neither funny nor adds anything to our understanding. If we cannot resist the fat cats ( who are pulling wool over our eyes in order to line their pockets) how shall we able to take some extra effort to understand those believers whose religious practices seem far out?


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