
Saturday, August 19, 2006


Even as I write the CAFTA agreement is coming into effect. The US could get the deal under the Central American Free Trade Agreement with all the member states done except for Costa Rica. The Nobel Prize winner for Peace Mr. Oscar Arias was expected to win the recent elections by a landslide victory in that country. He was noted for pro-CAFTA whereas his opponent Ottón Solás lost with a very narrow margin. Given the stance of Solás it would be an uphill fiight for the pro-US ally to get the House to ratify the agreement as it is. There have been vehement protests throughout Central America at the arm-twisting tactics of the US to get the CAFTA ratified by their countries. There is a growing feeling among the people that the US wants to draw up terms and also want partners who would sign on the dotted lines.
On their first night Louis XV said reproachfully to his mistress Countess d’Esparbes,
”you have slept with every one of my subjects!”
Bashfully she said,”Oh Sire!”
“You have had the Duc de Choiseul.”
“He is so powerful.”
“The Marechal de Richelieu.”
“He is so witty.” “Monville.” “He has such beautiful legs.”
“Very well, but what about the Duc d’Aumont, who has none of these?”
“Ah sire,” replied she,”he, he is so devoted to your


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