
Sunday, June 25, 2006


A fast moving hurricane will have scant rainfall but its speed would be very high. A slow moving hurricane will have less windspeed but a heavy rainfall.
Man however clever or strong he may be, his cleverness and power can only be licked into shape in context of others. His strength is in numbers that in turn has its downside. Thus we identify with a nation ( be it the People’s Republic of China or the USA) which can only operate by taking some of our freedoms. The excuse may be ‘in the national interests.’
We gain experience as we grow older but would not that be rather wasted on a body that’s ready to fall apart?
From the above three examples what are we to assume? That Nature plays fast and loose with us? In order to understand the mystery of life we need to get the nature of matter right.(W4.D2)
* Wisdom must first cut teeth before it can chew a head off.


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