
Friday, May 05, 2006

what is metaaphysics?

sufficient-unto-this-dayWhat Is Metaphysics?
It is a branch of philosophy that systematically investigates the nature of first principles and problems of ultimate reality. These would not have had a leg to stand on but for Cosmology and Ontology which make the study very essential to us.
Cosmology or the structure of the universe merits mention here because it cannot be explained without your being a part of it. Metaphysics is also the study of Being. Ontology it is called. We have therefore a personal interest in what goes on around us anywhere in Cosmos, just as Cosmos has its stake in its investment. Let me put it in another way: Our Being is Cosmos inside out which does not mean our Non-Being shall make Cosmos come to right. We have made such a transaction impossible with certain events set in motion while we have had our being. So we may get on with the queerness of Being as natural as that of Cosmos is.


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