
Friday, November 03, 2006


One of the long enduring myths, which man cannot shake off, despite of experience to otherwise, is how a single man by himself may create history. He works with events and also guides them. Yes. But to add his something new (to what has been around) or keep it as apart is impossible.
One characteristic of Woodrow Wilson’s character was his certitude that he was right. He was full of idealism and came to the presidency on the belief God put him there. His believed in himself as Gods instrument to make America great. So he intervened in the internal affairs of Mexico in order to bolster democracy. In 1914 U.S Marines landed in Vera Cruz. Latin Americans did not see it in the way as the crusading spirit of Wilson: isolationism from the international affairs was over.
Wilson fought tooth and nail to keep his country from the World War I. Influx of immigrants from Austria and Hungary and Southern and Eastern Europe had hit the peak when he took office in 1913. On one hand he did not wish to upset these ethnic minorities, which had found their home in America. By 1915 most American banking was tied up with British and French interests. Which course he took is too well known to merit repetition here. His ideals in restoring democracy in South of the border led to dollar diplomacy; where he wanted to keep neutral he was pitched into the thick of a broil against his will.
Who pulls whom? Who is the cart and who is the ass?


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