
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Two examples

Aurangazeb(1618-1707) shunned pleasure of every kind. He despised music and dismissed all the court musicians. One Friday the musicians said to him that they were going to bury music since his order had killed it. The emperor said true to form,” Bury it deep so that it may not raise its head again.”
Similar fate awaited nauchgirls (somewhat similar to fan -dancers) girls and women of easy virtue, who had to choose between exile and marriage.
Aurangazeb ruled for 48 years. For all his piety and deep religious fervor did not keep his rule going down in history as a sorry chapter that would have its consequences upon the Indian sub-continent. Within hundred years of his death the Mughal empire would be weakened into a puppet regime.)
Tailpiece: It would look Allah doesn’t care much for those who put their piety and religion before justice. The same holds true for God. George W. Bush like many other presidents before him may take the name of God but it is in vain. At least history proves the point abundantly clear.



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