
Friday, October 27, 2006


At the height of Thatcherism the Iron Lady seemed to have castigated the poor for being poor. Yes, the poor only have to blame themselves for their predicament. Little did she expect her son Mark Thatcher’s predicament, which came later. The man on the street has no old boy network to fall back upon as Mark had.
The worth of common man is not always visible as an Earl’s coronet or the wig of the Lord Justice. His synergy nations use freely in times of war and other occasions as well. Any society that presses a certain class in line of fire and erects tombs for the uncommon soldier at the end owes to the veterans. It shall not be considered as paid either fairly or adequately, by niggling about the cost of supporting their descendants.

In a society some are bound to go to the bottom and stay there unless the government has some intelligent plans to get them back on their feet.
Tailpiece: taikobente is a Japanese word meaning all for one and one for all. In the Pre-war days in Japan when a student broke a rule the whole class had to take the punishment. It was meant to develop in each student a sense of responsibility. By his negligence he put the lives of his comrades in jeopardy.


At 5:14 AM , Blogger serenity said...

I want to humbly thank you for the lovely comments you are leaving at my blog. Your contribution enriches and blesses my day and my site. Society seems to have decided that there are people who are expendable, to be discarded, thrown away, forgotten...because after all in this world of opportunity no one should really end up at the short end so it must be their fault if that has happened to them.

All for one, and one for all. If only we lived by this second Golden Rule.

Peace, joy and Love be with you.

At 1:58 PM , Blogger benny said...

You are welcome, serenity.

At 10:30 PM , Blogger Bob said...

Thatcher had a very limited understanding. She was like a horse with blinkers over its eyes.

She once said, "There is no such thing as society."

At 4:49 AM , Blogger Bazza said...

Thatcher was successful for such a long time because she clearly stood for something. So few politicians stand for what they genuinely believe in. They tend to be disingenuous chancers.
It is regretable to me that what Thatcher stood for was was unpalatable.


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