
Monday, October 16, 2006

The Secret of Rainforests

In rainforests the ground cover receive only filtered sunlight. Whereas plants in the middle growing from branches of trees get more share of light. They get light but not as much as trees at the crown. These tree canopies receive sunshine directly from sunrise to sundown. If the ground cover and plant life on the middle were to survive they would require wind to do its job. Wind has been at work for months and years striking the canopies together gradually wearing away here and there, letting more sunshine in. In time there may, by a gust of wind some trees shall be sent down, clearing the way for the ground cover to survive; fire also does its own bit. These are not disasters but Nature’s way of clearing the old and useless so rainforests may still flourish. Happiness of trees is thus regardless of age or external circumstances; in the knowledge that their absence or death is in the nature of things.
Do we call the wind cruel? Or do we call the trees selfish to deny the ground cover from receiving adequate sunlight?
If winds did cast their seeds to create a forest elsewhere their falling ought not seem such a disaster. Man who understands his role similarly shall learn to accept his position and take comfort. He gives his best shot at all times because life offers him opportunities; he is aware that success or failure is outside his control. (He is wise because his strategy is to work with what is in his control.) Happiness for him is beyond external circumstances but made secure as part of the living.



At 8:45 PM , Blogger abcd said...

'Acceptance' is something we have to learn. To accept a situation in every circumstances and make the most out of it. Those who conquered the difficulties will discover new opportunities.

At 8:52 PM , Blogger benny said...

thanks for stopping by.


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