
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dear Me!

I read the news and note some 655000 Iraqis have been decimated since the War on Iraq has begun. It must be a figure, an astronomical figure at that, which Saddam Hussein for all his wayward ways in securing his own control over the country could only dream of. Yes he gassed and sent his goons to finish off every one who merely expressed his disgust at the oppression. Now he is put away for his crimes.
But who is responsible for this present needless carnage?
Some one must answer for these killings. Otherwise the way things are going on shall make such a stink, and I dread to think, America in the decades to come shall be a byword for everything reprehensible and evil. John Doe deserves better.
Now the blame game in Washington fought on bipartisan lines gives me a shiver. Earlier we had Nero who reportedly played The Fall of Troy while Rome burnt. It was a canard but it got good mileage nevertheless. George Bush is in danger of being portrayed in somewhat similar role and with him the good name of the USA shall be associated for something of a cruel joke. The poor and the afflicted may not have the clout to hit back with anything else.


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