
Friday, May 19, 2006

JP tells a story

“At the Creation Time each life form was allotted equal levels of energy to which behemoths complained. Their complaint was that they were the largest elephant-like creatures. “You have counted us equal with insects which are so many.” “Our energy level is same..”
“Trim yourself to make the most of it.” Advised the Keeper of the Celestial Park.
Taking heed of his advice they became in course of time, elephants which were half the size of their forefathers. Complaints of injustice did not come from the behemoths alone. Bees were angry too. They saw mites lolling whole day among the herds of cattle. They complained to the Celestial Keeper that holding same levels of energy with those lazy blood suckers was unfair. “We buzz all day and by sundown we are a wreck!”
“Make your constant toil, something to remember by.”
The result was that they began producing honey which pleased all. “Give them bees, whatever energy left of mine,” said bears who loved it above everything else.
“Why such kindness?” the Keeper could not understand.
“I am thinking of my cubs.” One wise old bear said,” perhaps self interest. Call what you will.”
Jai Paramartha told this story to a crowd who had come to hear his discourse. As the mystic came out one scoffed at it and said, “I don’t believe in such a thing as passing one’s energy level whatever left of it to another.”
Jai Paramartha flung his hand as if to strike him. Involuntarily the other raised his hands to block the blow. “Why do you pose like that?”
“Master I thought you meant to strike me.”
JP merely looked at him and passed on with a friendly smile. “I -a man of peace strike you! Hai Ram, Ram!.”

In every action and reaction energy is carried across. Every cause and every effect in the loom of Cosmic Nothingness works non-stop.


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